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clip from Hamilton, pg. 44, founding of

Peter Hamilton, Colonial Mobile

Le_pélican replica from wikimedia common


In January 1704, the Pelican left LoireFrance for La MobileLa Louisiana, New France. Arriving in August, it brought a group of single women, now referred to as the "Pelican Girls." 

Unfortunately, the shop also brought Yellow Fever to the fledgling colony. 



Colony moves to its present site

map of 1711.JPG
Galvez, Mobile 1780.jpg

#SP03 Bernando de Galvez Statue in Spanish Plaza, 2020

The Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser, June 22, 1780


…after crossing the bay, it is about 70 miles through a desert almost uninhabited. There are two small settlements near the coast. At Fish River near the lower end of the bay. On the east side are four families…and going northward from thence to the American line, there are about 13 families more on the east side of the bay and river Mobile, and 15 families on the western side.


 Farmer’s Repository (West Virginia), February 1, 1811.

British Attack on Mobile, 1813

British Attack on Mobile, December 24, 1813.png
mobile map 1815.JPG

The growing importance of the Alabama country attracts public attention….the tide of emigration to this country, during the last summer, was strong and incessant…Mobile is increasing rapidly in business and population.

Northern Whig, Hudson, New York, June 17, 1817, 2. 


The population [of Mobile] does not exceed eight hundred souls, inhabiting one hundred and twenty tenements…The inhabitants of Mobile are of various descriptions: about five hundred are people of color, of every shade, who are generally free and possessed of real estate. The balance are whites, of a heterogeneous character.


Rhode Island American, July 18, 1817


These emigrations are principally from the Carolinas, Georgia and Tennessee. Many planters worth from $20,000 to $30,000 have come on, selected their plantations, and began their cultivation on the public lands; intending to purchase at the sale, which is expected to be next fall. I am sorry to say that religion in all this country is out of the question…The Sabbath is scarcely known, except as a holiday. Profane language is as common as it is on board an English man of war. Education is sadly neglected… The dissipation and indolence of the inhabitants is surprising. Their living we northern people should call miserable.

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